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Tuesday 25 April 2017

Homestead Adventure Episode 1: Big Birthday Plans

It was my 36th Bithday and it's my custom to treat myself and buy a present for me. Happy Birthday Me.
This year like every other year I thought... what do I really want what would make me really happy. Then I thought....what did I get for me last year? Not being able to remember I thought was not good. So I thought let's make this Bithday mid life crisis present count this time please
I thought long and hard and asked myself what are you struggling with and what would make it better? I was struggling with the need for space and the ability to do what I needed to do with my space.
My husband moved in with me this year from his childhood home which had a lot of space to move in with me in my rented bachelor apartment . ..I'm good but for him he needs more space.  My wants last year was a place to work on my current loves Clay and to be able to adapt my space to hold the equipment I need like a kiln.... and I would need more space. I was really getting into plants and nature and for this I needed more space and more nature than I found the city was providing. I also wanted to get into new hobbies and new loves like woodworking and for that I needed more space. I was also thinking gee I an 36 years old and at this age my parents had a 5 year old and they owned their own space. I had the feeling of falling behind.
So it may be I was craving a space that was mine. My own spot on the earth that I can call my own....then I remembered didn't I try this already? What went wrong ....I tried to remember....oh that's right I let's people discourage me instead of going with my gut.... and maybe I wasn't ready to go through all that it would take to do this dream.... and maybe I felt I couldn't take such a big project on by myself.
Ok well ....I'm no longer alone.... so let's see if I can find some courage and work through the scary discouraging things.
I set to work. Went to and started searching through all the listing near and far .... big and small....with houses or bare land.... commercial,residential and rural..... inexpensive and totally out of my league expensive.
Now I knew what was out there it was time to focus. What do I want and what can I afford?....after 2 months of searching and asking the realtors and the city property departments the properties were located lots of questions. I finally found one I liked. I know...I know don't just hug up one chicken in your basket... but that's all I had left.... I had 2 that I wasn't really totally in love with as back up ... but this one I wanted to focus on. And I said to myself if he doesn't work out for me then I will go back to the drawing board and wait till something else shows up.
So I was ALL IN! ... I put all my efforts into buying this one property. Now it's not perfect at all ...I like to describe it as the runt of the litter and it needed some love. The realtor description of the land was "Vacant land swamp and rock close to WestPort and Perth. Hydro at lot line" . Ok let's see what it looks like. I went there for a visit in winter in March.  There was still a lot of snow and I tried to walk as much as I could safely. I liked what I saw but I wanted to see more but I also understood that a may have some competition so it may not wait for me to have a perfect view when the snow melted. My budget was small and and he fit my budget is liked what I saw and hoped for the best when the snow melted and so I was going to work with it and give it all the love and affection I could to for it to make me smile.
I bought it. And we closed May 5th. So more snow.... let's go see :)