Day 3 was a short day. 4 balls of clay. The aim was 4 mugs practicing making a cylinder. Actual number of mugs... only One survived. Kind of a frustrating day. Three of them did whats in the video below.
I think I was adding too much pressure when I was pulling up.
watch this:
Also I noticed with the last one that made it that the walls were very very wavy. Applying too much pressure in one spot maybe. And I was left with a super thick rim and couldn't and found myself not being able to do much with it because the middle of my mug was already buckling because of the weight up top. yikes!!!
So from those failed attempts I have a lot of wet mushy clay. The good news? Let it dry a bit then practice wedging. Always something to do :)
So from those failed attempts I have a lot of wet mushy clay. The good news? Let it dry a bit then practice wedging. Always something to do :)
Well this is how that turned out
I trimmed this one better than I did the others. She was using a Shimpo whisper which is pretty close to the ground and I sat on the ground with my other classmate. The perfect view as you could see every turn and angle of her hand well. I sat and watched my teacher trim 2 bowls and she talked while trimming them on how to hold the tool when she wanted a certain effect. I tried and that helped a lot. I didn't feel so lost anymore.
~Things Achieved~
(1)My sponge on a stick - I hot glued a sponge to a dowel I got at the dollar store. I'll let you know how it turned out
(2) Centering - I have to tell you this.. PUSH THE CLAY TOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE WHEEL with a steady hand.. it was a light bulb that went off after seeing my teacher doing it a million times and hearing it a million times on YouTube.
~Things to work on~
1) Cut your first 100 pots in half - I got some advice from a youtube potter. Cut your first 100 puts in half and check the thickness and evenness
- yeah I know I said " what? 100 pots?!?! soooo many and they are my babies.
- Then he said that they are not your babies till they are fired
- Ok I accept! Lets try to learn from this..... I didn't have to cut that cup to know it was uneven I could feel it waving in my fingers as I ran them up the sides >.<
2)Coning - I am getting better at centering but coning is still tricky for me ... more practice
3) Watching how much pressure I apply when pulling up my cylinder.
~Links: ~
Day 1:
Day 2: